IE8 has a really annoying bug where you click on the developer tools menu option but no windows appears. When you alt+tab you can see that a window was created but you can't view it because it is sized incorrectly and is off your screen. It seems like the bug is related to maximizing and then closing the developer tools window. Here's how I fixed it:
- click on developer tools
- Find the window on your task bar and right click .. choose mazimize. If you see the missing window, then you have the same problem.
- Right click on the task bar item again and choose restore -- your window will disappear again
- Right click on the task bar item and choose Move, then click the right arrow, then move your mouse and drop the tiny window into the middle of your screen.
- Now you can resize it the proper size. If this keeps happening you may want to choose the "pin" option in developer tools so it doesn't create a seperate window.
Hope this helps someone.